Young Person’s Guide to Wisdom, Power and Life Success: Making Smart Choices
The Young Person’s Guide is a no-BS guide written for young persons age 16 to 30 (“Generation NeXt”) and their parents. It looks at five controllable decisions most all young adults will make: who you marry, how many children, level of education, where you live, and your choice of lifestyle. All of these decisions affect your future personal economic success.
The old saw “money does not guarantee happiness” is true. But having insufficient money almost assuredly guarantees a life of want and misery. It’s no fun being old. It’s less fun being poor. It is hell being old and poor. In the Guide, young persons will discover why success in life is not a done deal:
- See the world as it exists, not as you want it to be.
- How trap thinking can trigger a lifebomb—a decision outcome you’ll later regret.
- Your biggest source of risk and why you consistently fail to avoid it.
- How Baby Boomers have sold Gen NeXt (that’s you) down the river.
One-half of Generation NeXt is projected to live more than 80 years. But we have a problem Houston. Later in life, when the unpredictable future becomes the actual present, many NeXters will find themselves experiencing a lower standard of living than did their parents. For you, it will be “Game Over” with no RESET button. Don’t be one of them!
Based on real-world observations
Does every generation have to learn the hard way? No! There is a good deal that a young person can do to shape and improve his or her quality of life. In the Guide, NeXters (and concerned parents) will find practical prescriptions—not simple “top-ten” lists—that can be applied to your own life today! You’ll discover how to:
- Question your beliefs and know your limitations
- Understand the real-world agenda and discern what really matters
- Think critically, exercise prudent judgment, and make common sense a habit
- Seek counsel from others and learn from their triumphs and failures
- Take 100 percent responsibility for what happens in your life.
Like the flower to the seed, the unintended consequences of tomorrow can be traced back to the decisions you make today. This compels us to look in the mirror and ask, “In what ways are the seeds of my future success (failure) already with me?”
Who benefits from this book?
- Generation NeXt (16-30 year olds);
- Parents, educators, and counselors;
- Other caring adults.
So, there you have it. Stop whining and start winning by working toward the future that you want to achieve. Young persons, do you want to succeed? Yes, you can. Yes, you will!