Young Person’s Guide - Blog

2018 Nov 25

Place (still) matters.

The typical college student enrolls in a college 13 miles from home. A nationwide study on social connectedness found that 63% of the people we friend on Facebook live within 100 miles. The percentage of Americans that move across state lines each year has fallen by half since the 1990s. We are becoming less mobile.

2018 Sep 21

Too little, too late.

Ever wonder why you see so many older people working in warehouse stores and driving school buses? It’s because they don’t make enough in retirement to support themselves. Most worked all of their lives and did what they were supposed to do. Yet, circumstances put them in situations where they were not able to pay the bills.

2018 Aug 9

True grit.

Psychologists say that by January 8th, some 25% of our New Year’s resolutions have fallen by the wayside. By year end, fewer than 10% have been fully kept. Most of us struggle to achieve worthy long-term goals, such as healthful eating, exercise, fulfilling our career potential, or retiring early.